ROUTE 128:
America's First High Tech Region
Before there was Silicon Valley....
Based on the research strengths of the region's universities as well as a diverse, mature, and entrepreneurial industrial base, the world's first "high tech" industrial cluster began during and just after the Second World War in the vicinity of Boston, Massachusetts. This development coincided with the creation of the first modern betlway, Route 128, to which many of the new tech companies moved. This web site offers resoureces for learning about the history of the Route 128 region as well as its present and future.

Raytheon Patriot Missile

Raytheon Patriot Missile

Talking Innovation
I'm Alan Earls and I've been passionate about the tech
history of Greater Boston
since the 1980s when I
covered the "Massachusetts
Miracle" as editor of Mass
High Tech newspaper. Recently I contributed to Dr Bob Krim's magisterial
book, Boston Made,
about the region's
amazing 400-
year history of
innovation and